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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Supreme Court Votes to Kill Free Speech:

In a 5 to 4 decision, the Supreme Court voted to allow giant corporation to strangle free speech today. (See The Washington Post story.) In effect, huge corporations can now buy up all the newspaper space, all the radio air time, and all of the TV time to back their hand picked contestants in any political campaign.

Under the guise of supporting free speech, the Republican appointed justices voted to allow any sort of campaign financing that any entity can afford to buy.

The big winners here will be the TV, radio, and newspaper corporations who will reap in the profits as corporations with fat pocket books, after having kept wages stagnant for the past thirty years, compete with one another to purchase every square inch of newspaper space and every second of TV and radio time.

Will this bail NBC out the next campaign season? They can stop their other programming now and sell every minute to political advertisers.

Justice John Paul Stevens, in descent, railed against the decision as a revocation of 100 years of campaign law. Republicans have for years complained about activist justices, yet this decision is by far the most "activist" one to come out of the Supreme Court in generations.

In one fell swoop, the Republicans on this court have revoked our constitutional rights and usurped the powers of congress.



Anonymous Alan Gregory, Lt. Col., USAF, Ret. said...

It's bidness as usual, as the chamber of uncommerce would say. The heck with real people; let the almighty dollar talk the loudest!

4:01 PM  

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