Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Monday, December 06, 2004

The F. D. A.: Since 1992 the Food and Drug Administration has slipped steadily into the hands of the drug companies. These big money makers want new drugs approved, and financing the FDA's programs is directly linked to the drug companies themselves. (See Gardiner Harris' NYTimes article for Dec. 6, 2004.)

About a hundred years ago, the federal government created the FDA to protect American citizens from exploitation by snake oil salesmen and big companies intent on liberating our grandparents from their hard earned daily wages with phony promises about the benefits of untested products (much of which had cocain as the chief active ingredient).

In the past dozen years, the sleezy con men have come back with a new pitch: "Approve our drugs now and save lives." Hidden is the lack of care in follow up studies that will get products like Vioxx off the market before it can take lives.

On a side note: The Supreme Court is now considering the medicinal use of marijuana. Those who are "taking" this drug for medicinal purposes either grow the plant themselves or purchase it (for the most part) from small growers. The big drug companies have no control over its production or distribution. So who's pushing the federal government to prosecute these cases, especially in light of the fact that growing the plant and taking the drug has been made legal in various states?

It will be very interesting to see if the Supreme Court has the courage to back the states in this issue or if they will cave to the pressures of the drug companies. Don't assume this an argument between blue and red staters, liberals and conservatives.


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