Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Major Oil Find in Gulf of Mexico:

A new oil field discovered under four miles of ocean in the Gulf of Mexico promises to keep the oil flowing in the U. S. The new find is the largest in U. S. territory since Prudhoe Bay. However, experts report the find will not alter the overall domestic oil supply. The U. S. is the largest consumer of oil in the world and will still need to import more oil than it is capable of producing unless major changes occur in alternate energy use.

The good news is that the stock value of the three companies involved in the search and future production has gone up. The bad news is that the find does nothing to alleviate environmental issues or to limit the U. S.'s reliance on oil from troubled places around the world.

See AP Business Writer Brad Foss's story, "Vast Oil Field Tapped in Gulf of Mexico."

Republicans Stoking the Fires of the Politics of Hatred and Fear:

Republicans in hotly contended districts are fanning the fires of hatred and fear among constituents as they gear up for the mid-term electections. The hot topic issue this year is the fear of Hispanics (referred to as illegal immigrants even when they are in the U. S. legally).

Republicans are calling for tougher border control, meaning the border with Mexico, as if that were the only U. S. border, as they play on Average Joe's fear and anguish over the changing demography. See Carl Hulse's article, "In Bellwether District, G. O. P. Runs on Immigration" in today's New York Times.


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