G. O. P. Scrambles to Put Foley Behind Them:
The Grand Old Party has gerrymandered the nation to ensure that it can retain a majority in both houses of congress, but now the party is running scared over the Foley business. The party of the moral majority (self-righteous and sanctimonious) has been harboring at least one sexual predator (not to mention all those folks sucking down the graft – Tom DeLay and others).
"Harboring" turns out to be quite the telling word as the House leadership seems to have known of the situation for years and did nothing about it. So isn't it curious that we are hearing Republican statements like the following:
In other words, as long as America has people in it, it will suffer the same threats as most other countries. As long as we foolishly believe "it can't happen here," it will continue to happen here. Pretending that it can't is the most foolish path of all to follow. So go ahead and walk down the path barefoot, just keep your eyes open for the snake hiding in the grass. The one certainty is that he is lying there somewhere.
The Grand Old Party has gerrymandered the nation to ensure that it can retain a majority in both houses of congress, but now the party is running scared over the Foley business. The party of the moral majority (self-righteous and sanctimonious) has been harboring at least one sexual predator (not to mention all those folks sucking down the graft – Tom DeLay and others).
"Harboring" turns out to be quite the telling word as the House leadership seems to have known of the situation for years and did nothing about it. So isn't it curious that we are hearing Republican statements like the following:
“This is one more thing that makes people wonder about politicians and politics,” George Rasley, an aide to Representative Deborah Pryce, Republican of Ohio said. “It reinforces this notion of Washington being a place that bears no resemblance to real America.”The "real America"? Where does George Rasley live? What America is he talking about? The one I live in has televangilists who meet with prostitutes, rip old people off from their savings, and develop TV empires so they can run for president, and priests who abuse children and then receive help from their officials in hiding from the legal repercussions.The "real America" I know has madmen in it who go into school rooms and murder little girls. What "real America" does George Rasley live in? Real America is a dangerous place where bad people do bad things and power corrupts just as assuredly as it does anywhere else in the world.
In other words, as long as America has people in it, it will suffer the same threats as most other countries. As long as we foolishly believe "it can't happen here," it will continue to happen here. Pretending that it can't is the most foolish path of all to follow. So go ahead and walk down the path barefoot, just keep your eyes open for the snake hiding in the grass. The one certainty is that he is lying there somewhere.
The "moderate" Christopher Shays today invoked the memory of Ted Kennedy's 37-year-old bad car trip (karma?) in attempting to deflect attention from the Foley deal, the Abramoff deal, the Valerie Plame deal, the sleeping-at-the-wheel Denny Hastert deal, the Iraq war deal. Too bad he didn't blame it all on the Clintons.
Meanwhile, the GOPers' ship slips further under the waves, stern first of course. But will all this translate in major Demopublican wins next month?
Oops. Let us not forget Gitmo. Here's late news from the American gulag:
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