Jim Manis on Most Anything

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Friday, December 22, 2006

Where's Everybody Going?

Arizona passed Nevada as America's fastest growing state in the most recent statistics. Those states rank one and two. The big question? Where will they get their water from. First they dammed up the Colorado River, and now they are draining it dry to water lawns and golf courses. You can read about it in this year's April editon of National Geographic. Of course, Geographic paints the prettiest picture they can of the situation. The top ten states in growth comes from today's New York Times.

More on China:

In today's Washington Post Maureen Fan reports on the changes taking place in China. The one child only policy is having stark consequences on care for the elderly. Once, people could rely on their children to care for them in old age. That time has gone.

According to Zhang Kaidi, director of the China Research Center on Aging, "People value money more than family ties. Parents have put all they have, all their money, attention and hope on their child, and they expect to get a return from him when they get old. But the rapid development of the society has changed the traditional give-and-get social contract." Welcome to the western ideal, China.


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