Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Shocking News! American Soldiers Approve of Torture:

Even of innocent civilians, according to a poll conducted by the Pentagon recently. Both The New York Times and The Washington Post are agog over this revelation. Where, one wonders, do these people live? Of course many soldiers approve of this sort of behavior. Who do the Post and the Times think our soldiers are? If the president and vice-president of this country are fine with it, why shouldn't the rest of the sadists who inhabit his world rush to join up and participate.

The funny quote in the Post comes from American Civil Liberties Union Director, Steven R. Shapiro: "They highlight a failure to adequately train and supervise our soldiers." Sorry, dude, but by the time a guy's old enough to join the military it's too late to "train" him or her away from this behavior, unless you mean to train them not to tell the truth about how they really feel.

More News from Iraq:

The Iraqi government, following Saddam Hussein's precedent, have frozen the granting of medical degrees within its borders, because doctors are leaving he country as fast as they can. Why? The insurgents are murdering doctors, teachers and other intellectuals as fast as they can. This is just one more example of the high level of planning on the part of the Bush administration when it decided to "liberate" Iraq.

In the meantime, the American government has been dragging its feet about allowing refugees into the U.S. We brought them American style democracy, why on earth would they want to leave?

Hey, Georgie, reach down between your thighs, grab hold of your ears, and give them a strong jerk. You've got your head where it don't belong.



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