Sticker Shock:
Prepare to be shocked! According to The New York Times, "A New Poll Finds That Young Americans Are Leaning Left." The poll was conducted by The New York Times, CBS News and MTV. One of the discoveries to come from the poll was the truly shocking revelation that young people between the ages of 17 and 29 seemed "to be really familiar with only two of the candidates, Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton." Amazing, considering young people generally do not watch, listen to, or read the news, unless you consider Paris Hilton and others of her ilk to be news worthy, or the "sports news" as actual news. (I mean (should be pronounced as Arlo Guthry does in Alice's Restaurant) they don't even know what's his name, whose not yet a candidate, from Law and Order!)
You can see the complete poll results here.
"The Family Jewels":
Read The New York Times article on revelations coming out of the latest release of documents by the CIA on the agency's activities during the 1960s and early 1970s. While many of these activities were illegal, such as the spying performed on American citizens, what comes across is the shear buffoonery of a government agency designed to protect America from foreign adventurers. The lesson learned seems to be that which Vietnam made all too clear—"We have met the enemy, and he is us." So what else is new, Pogo?
Want to read the whole "Family Jewels" document? Click here.
Prepare to be shocked! According to The New York Times, "A New Poll Finds That Young Americans Are Leaning Left." The poll was conducted by The New York Times, CBS News and MTV. One of the discoveries to come from the poll was the truly shocking revelation that young people between the ages of 17 and 29 seemed "to be really familiar with only two of the candidates, Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton." Amazing, considering young people generally do not watch, listen to, or read the news, unless you consider Paris Hilton and others of her ilk to be news worthy, or the "sports news" as actual news. (I mean (should be pronounced as Arlo Guthry does in Alice's Restaurant) they don't even know what's his name, whose not yet a candidate, from Law and Order!)
You can see the complete poll results here.
"The Family Jewels":
Read The New York Times article on revelations coming out of the latest release of documents by the CIA on the agency's activities during the 1960s and early 1970s. While many of these activities were illegal, such as the spying performed on American citizens, what comes across is the shear buffoonery of a government agency designed to protect America from foreign adventurers. The lesson learned seems to be that which Vietnam made all too clear—"We have met the enemy, and he is us." So what else is new, Pogo?
Want to read the whole "Family Jewels" document? Click here.
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