Jim Manis on Most Anything

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

More Idiocy from the Far Right:

Candy Rice and her fellow travelers who have authored a fantasy entitled, "The Strategy of Campaigning," have an Op-Ed piece in today's Times in which they mythologize the intellectual brilliance of the late Ronald Reagan and his presidency, during which he enriched the military industrial complex by many trillions of dollars borrowed from gullible tax payers and their children and their children's children.

The notion is, of course, based on the myth that Reagan "won the Cold War," by which they mean the collapse of the Soviet Union, which the Russians themselves had been forecasting as early as the 1960s. The Russians, as anyone who is willing to examine the evidence, are responsible for their own demise as the number two guys on the major powers block.

Ms Rice is supposed to be an expert on Russia. That's how she earned her shot in the Bush administration, where she notoriously mishandled information that might have helped to prevent the 9/11 terrorist attacks. What she really seems to be an expert at is talking really fast and loud and continuously so that you can never find out how little she actually knows and is capable (or incapable) of.

The op-ed piece portrays Reagan as a master of policy, purporting that this led him to victory over Carter in the 1980 election. But the simple truth is that image was the be all and end all of Reagan's election success. Rice's success has been achieved through her willingness to prostitute her considerable skills by maneuvering to find the right coattails to ride upon.

The Reagan legacy is the policy of fouling one's nest while misdirecting everyone's attention to the neighbor's yard. (Massive debt. High unemployment. Homelessness. Serious drug epidemics. Two of the worst fiscal recessions in the country's history, including the second worst depression in the country's history. Notorious losses of social services. And the glorification of self-interest.)



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