Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Darfur + China = Genocide:

Genocide in Darfur is back in the news as Nicholas Kristof addresses the issue on the Op-Ed page of today's New York Times. The catalyst, naturally, is oil. China needs oil for its massively growing economy, and Darfur has it. China, on the other hand, has plenty of weapons that the government in Darfur needs to carry out its genocide policies. So when you wonder why the U. S. and the rest of the world seems incapable of acting against this third world murderous government, you now have an important piece of the puzzle.

China not only wants that oil, but the rest of the developed world wants to keep the oil flowing to China as well. If China has to look elsewhere to replenish the supply, the price of oil will only go higher. That's just one more reason to look for alternative sources.

Wisdom for the ages from the master of malformed thinking: "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family." — George W. Bush in Nashua, New Hampshire, January 2000.

Which One of These Guys Wants To Be the Next Dick Cheney?

Is the mayor of 9/11, Rudy Giuliani, going to be the next candidate after "Law 'n Order" Thompson to announce he's not really serious about this head of state thing and pull out of the Republican race? Rudy G. staked his campaign on Florida and the polls show him rapidly fading with the handsome guy and the old guy surging. The Washington Post reports the latest poll showing that McCain is in the lead with 25 percent and Romney running a close second with 23 percent. Ruddy and the Huckster trail at 15 and 13 percent respectively.

Ruddy G. hunkered down in Florida where he resembled a certain VP hiding in a Washington bunker who popped out only occasionally to blast a buddy in the face with a shotgun. Ruddy apparently figured if Bush could win the Oval Office in Florida that he didn't need to run in any other state. But my real guess is that His Honor the Mayor of 9/11 really has his eye on Cheney's bunker. As for Huckabee, you've got to figure he's thinking the same thing. After all, that's how he became governor of Arkansas.

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