Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

If Global Warming Is Real, Why Am I So Cold?

The below average temperatures in the northern hemisphere have the anti-government forces parading their skepticism again. While most of the educated world accepts the fact that human interference, coupled with the normal forces of nature, is speeding up global warming that will eventually alter the environment in dramatic and seriously problematic ways, those who want to use any argument to promote their own agenda of anything goes.

Note, Marc Morano's (communications director for the Republican minority on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee) blog.

You have to wonder, are these people that stupid, or do they just think the rest of us are.

Increased Violence in Darfur:

Lydia Polgreen reports in today's New York Times on the increasing violence in Darfur. A great deal has been said about the horror taking place there, but not so much about the complexities of the issues. Polgreen briefly discusses them briefly at the end of her article. Bringing the violence to a satisfactory end will not occur until a full understanding of its causes is achieved. It seems doubtful that the participants themselves have any real notion of what it is about.

Nicholas Kristoff also reports in today's Times, about Sudanese violence, which is about to erupt in southern Sudan. The government's surrogate forces, the janjaweed, have gathered in the region, armed by the government, and are prepared to began a mass slaughter, including rape, of the population. Kristoff points out the issues over oil and the government's refusal to abide by its agreements.

The Latest on Online Piracy:

Heather Timmons writes about the popularity of "Scrabulous," an online version of Scrabble, the word game, in today's Times. According to Timmons, the game has over three million registered users and more than 700,000 people play each day. (Who knew so many people loved words so much?)

The two companies who sell the board game, however, have nothing to do with the online version, and they are crying piracy. My question is why didn't these companies invent the game themselves or at the very least buy it out, rather than sit back and moan about its existence? They seem to be following in the failed footsteps of the musical industry. Come on, folks, you've got to get out in front of the parade if you want to lead it.

Gender and Politics:

Robin Toner addresses the gender issues as they relate to Hillary Clinton's candidacy, particularly within the Democratic party, without providing us with many answers, in today's Times. Image may not be everything, but it plays a larger roll than most people like to admit.

Today's Bushism: "Ann and I will carry out this equivocal message to the world: Markets must be open." — George W. Bush at the swearing in of Ann Veneman as the Secretary of Agriculture, March 2, 2001.

Only 324 days left, does that seem like Forever!



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