Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

More on Bush's Privatization of the Federal Gov't:

The New York Times reports that "[m]ore than 60,000 federal contractors owe $7.7 billion in back taxes, according to the Government Accountability Office. Almost half of the deadbeats are defense contractors who owe the Treasury $3 billion."

Elizabeth Edwards Scolds the Press:

Former Sen. John Edwards' wife chimes in on the criticism of the press over the current coverage of the presidential candidates, including the failed coverage of the early campaigning. The press, Edwards complains, is more interested in reporting bowling scores than health care plans. She's right, of course. But then the average voter doesn't understand his or her current health care plan, and is so easily duped that he or she believes that government involvement in health care will inevitably lead to no health care at all.

The real concern here is, on the one hand, the consolidation of the press into the hands of a few powerful persons like Ruppert Murdock, and on the other, the emulation of reality TV in order to garner viewers who are too lazy and poorly educated to either care about or investigate serious news and issues.

If there is good news here, it is that more and more voices are speaking out against the shoddy quality of journalism in a country that has unparalleled resources.

Here's the Dude's take on just about everything: "I hope we get to the bottom of the answer. It's what I'm interested to know." — George W. Bush, to the Associated Press, April 26, 2000.

China Facts: "Beijing enforces a one-dog policy that prohibits pets more than 14 inches high." (Source ngm.com)

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