Liberty To Do What? Freedom from What?
Billy Kristol tries his hand at waxing eloquent in praising the, now, debunked mythology of Republican conservatism in his op-ed piece in today's New York Times. Sometimes Kristol can actually sound intelligent and has even garnered my respect on occasion, but today's piece shows just how empty the mythology was.
Citing the long occupancy of the White House by erstwhile conservatives as proof of success for policies, Kristol fails to describe any success that Reagan or either Bush had except for being elected to office. True, he does mention the so called fall of communism, which was replaced by even more fragile and potentially dangerous regimes. He could have focused on the succes of at least a few of the eastern European countries other than Russia, but they seem not to warrant a mention.
It is also true that in Russia there are now more millionaires and billionaires than there were under socialism—communism never existed in Russia—, but there is far more poverty in that country now, and life expectancy among its citizens has plummeted.
Here in the U. S., Kristol seems to equate success with keeping 90 percent of the population in the same economic straights for thirty years while the top 1 percent achieves unimaginable wealth with success. I suppose it is, if you are among that top percentile.
Preparing for the TV Movie:
Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, now known simply as Blago, has taken his case to the national stage by pleading with the American people on national TV that he's just not understood. Personally, I think once the state government in Illinois finishes throwing him out of office they should immediately impeach each other and get rid of the lot of them. Unfortunately, Illinois jails are already bursting at the seams. That's one of the few businesses that appears to be fairing very well in the current economic downturn.
"But, Jim, you've gotta ask yourself what's this guy thinking when he goes on TV that way? Does he really think the public is going to ride in like the cavalry to save his butt?"
My guess is he's just doing a nation-wide job search. Possibly he's trying to convince the networks that he'd make a good commentator. Kind of like a major league baseball manager who gets fired and then appears as the color guy while he waits for his next gig. (See the New York Times' story.)
Billy Kristol tries his hand at waxing eloquent in praising the, now, debunked mythology of Republican conservatism in his op-ed piece in today's New York Times. Sometimes Kristol can actually sound intelligent and has even garnered my respect on occasion, but today's piece shows just how empty the mythology was.
Citing the long occupancy of the White House by erstwhile conservatives as proof of success for policies, Kristol fails to describe any success that Reagan or either Bush had except for being elected to office. True, he does mention the so called fall of communism, which was replaced by even more fragile and potentially dangerous regimes. He could have focused on the succes of at least a few of the eastern European countries other than Russia, but they seem not to warrant a mention.
It is also true that in Russia there are now more millionaires and billionaires than there were under socialism—communism never existed in Russia—, but there is far more poverty in that country now, and life expectancy among its citizens has plummeted.
Here in the U. S., Kristol seems to equate success with keeping 90 percent of the population in the same economic straights for thirty years while the top 1 percent achieves unimaginable wealth with success. I suppose it is, if you are among that top percentile.
Preparing for the TV Movie:
Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, now known simply as Blago, has taken his case to the national stage by pleading with the American people on national TV that he's just not understood. Personally, I think once the state government in Illinois finishes throwing him out of office they should immediately impeach each other and get rid of the lot of them. Unfortunately, Illinois jails are already bursting at the seams. That's one of the few businesses that appears to be fairing very well in the current economic downturn.
"But, Jim, you've gotta ask yourself what's this guy thinking when he goes on TV that way? Does he really think the public is going to ride in like the cavalry to save his butt?"
My guess is he's just doing a nation-wide job search. Possibly he's trying to convince the networks that he'd make a good commentator. Kind of like a major league baseball manager who gets fired and then appears as the color guy while he waits for his next gig. (See the New York Times' story.)
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