Teen Pregnancy Increases in Red States:
Teen pregnancy rates have been on the increase over the past four years of the Bush administration, with the increases showing up in the southern states that voted to keep George W. Bush in the White House. Mississippi has surpassed Texas and New Mexico for the highest rate. (See the AP story here.)
The causes are argumentative, but the facts are that "abstinence only" eduction is more predominant in these states and the percentage of African American and Hispanic teens are also much higher in these states.
What we do know is that young women have a greater likelihood of becoming pregnant when they have few opportunities in life. In other words, when young women are poor and have little hope for the future, they are more likely to become pregnant at an earlier age and to have more babies.

Apple announced that it would allow iTunes Music to be copied, making it easier for users to access music on different devices. Note: Apple now dominates the music industry; you decide if this is good or otherwise.
MTV's "Real World" is now in its 17th year of production. MTV first taught television producers that viewers could tolerate, even enjoy "quick cutting" in the editing process, and then taught the same folks that the demographic they most sought liked nothing better than to watch young people humiliating themselves and whining about it. Advantage: very low cost production.
Maureen Dowd Supports Her Friend, Caroline Kennedy:
The redheaded gadfly from D. C. tones down the humor for a chance to voice her support for Jack Kennedy's daughter's bid for the New York senate seat. Dowd points out the many faces of dynasty that already walk the halls of power in the nation's capitol. If for no other reason, her op-ed is worth reading just to be reminded of how many people who wheel power are related to other wheelers of power.
I have no problem with her serving. Hell, at least she's not bankrolled by Big Oil or Big Coal or some other polluting industry. I just read, BTW, the book "The Last Campaign" about RFK's presidential campaign. Good read.
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