Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Free Market Politics:

The right in the U. S. clamors for reduced government, proclaiming that privatizing as much as possible brings about the greatest freedom. The questions are always "freedom for whom and to do what?"

In Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, it means freedom for judges to take millions of dollars in kickbacks from private companies running penal institutions.

Two judges in that county are being accused of sending thousands of children to jail and "wilderness camps" run by private companies who received taxpayer moneys for running them. These judges had little incentive to meet out appropriate sentences to juvenile offenders or to follow constitutional law and, apparently, even less oversight during the Bush years when most of their offenses took place. (See the MSNBC story here.)

From Bad to Worse:

Global warming is advancing faster than any previous models projected, according to American scientists. (See The Washington Post story.) Most of the modeling done to project global warming rates is based on data obtained prior to the Bush years in the White House. However, new data that includes the massive increase in carbon fuels used in developing countries suggest a notable increase in the rate of the man made contribution.

Worse news lies on the horizon: the rapid increase in global warming will have an effect on the permafrost in northern climes, which now holds massive amounts of both carbon and methane. The latter has significantly more—about 25 times more—potential to damage the environment than carbon.

In addition, the increased demand for biofuels is further contributing to the destruction of tropical forests that are the most effective means for nature to pull carbon out of the atmosphere.

Guns in the Classroom:

Just what every college instructor looks forward to: an unknown number of students carrying an unknown number of guns while he or she tries to teach a class. Today's Washington Post describes a student movement in Virginia to pass a law allowing students to carry concealed weapons onto campus and into the classroom. Presumably, this would have cut down on the number of students killed and wounded during the Virgina Tech massacre, at least that's what the proponents argue. More likely it would simply lead to more shooting incidents, including the killing of innocent people by "friendly fire."

There are times when a fire is needed to put out a fire, but that's an action of last resort, best conducted by trained professionals. I'm sure campus police forces would truly love the idea that they must deal with an unknown number of hormone afflicted, drug and alcohol experimenting teens carrying concealed weapons.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always been amazed at the far-right wingers who spout off again and again how "evil" big government supposedly is,yet try their best to become part of it by getting elected (and throwing big bucks away on advertising).

2:23 PM  

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