Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Redirecting Rage:

Gail Collins wants us to pause a moment in our rage over the scandalous behavior of AIG, the giant insurance company whose specialty was fraud, to focus on the long simmering scandal at Southern Methodist University in Dallas and its $300 million shrine to little Georgie Bush, the man whose face was the vanguard for the current financial collapse.

Southern Methodist has set aside 25 acres of ground for the shrine and is calling for all super rich Texans to make their tax deductible donations to create housing for the treadmill that Georgie used in the White House and carried around the globe on Air Force One.

(Remember Georgie? He was the guy who spent more time on vacation than any president in history, and he did that while the country was fighting two wars, one of which was fought on completely phony reasoning, and he led the nation towards financial collapse. What could be a more perfect selection of a leader to enshrine in Texas?)

Here's Collin's kicker: "Why does the Bush center need donations anyway? His administration believed the profit motive makes everything efficient — derivatives markets, health care, invasions. If he wants a monument, let him build an amusement park."



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