Gallop, Do I Have Your Attention?
What percentage of college freshman believe that Senator Joe Wilson has been "fired" due to his outburst during President Obama's speech on September 9, 2009? What percentage know what the word "censure" means in the context of the United States Congress?
When these legal adults cast their votes in 2010, will they be surprised to find that "Joe" Wilson is still eligible for election and is in fact the incumbent?
What percentage of college freshman believe that Senator Joe Wilson has been "fired" due to his outburst during President Obama's speech on September 9, 2009? What percentage know what the word "censure" means in the context of the United States Congress?
When these legal adults cast their votes in 2010, will they be surprised to find that "Joe" Wilson is still eligible for election and is in fact the incumbent?
Labels: Censure, Civics, Joe Wilson, Poll
Mister Wilson couldn't get a real job, like sweeping floors or hosing outan outhouse, so he got hisself elected to be the town crier - a shoutfester. Hah.
Don't sweat the freshman voting. They don't have time for that sort of thing.
True, true. On the bright side, if Meester Wilson had to go and look for a "real" job, he'd be out of luck.
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