Republican Hierarchy Set to Exploit the Tea Party:
Sarah "I ate the Grizzly" Palin and company are all set to discover that the elephant is about to eat them if the Republican party makes the hay the media thinks it will come Tuesday.
The party of big business, bought and owned by big business, is letting the flighty news media focus on the noisy herd that beckons to the call of right-wing pundits even as a few business interests fund the hew and cry from behind the scenes. Are we in the Emerald City? We already know at least some of the hands pulling the strings from behind the curtain.
Hint: The lobbyists aren't just funding politicians now, they are the politicians. Some states/districts are about to elect some of the very people who earn their keep by buying votes, to office. Yes, it's come to that.
The Truth:
The richest 5 percent of Americans have $40 trillion in wealth; that's more wealth than the whole world created throughout history until 1980 (the year Ronny Rayguns won the presidency on an advocacy of trickle down economics).
If a one time 15 percent tax were placed on those wealthy Americans, the whole national debt could be wiped out over night. Are you surprised they're spending millions to keep from paying taxes? So much for patriotism.
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