He Ain't There, so Why Are We?
Today's Washington Post reports that two-thirds of Americans no longer support the Aghanistan war. We've been searching for Osama in that country for nearly ten years now, and for almost as many, we've known that he scampered out of the country and into Pakistan where our troupes can't follow.
Now, no matter how many of their own women Afghanis may mutilate, we don't want to go on spending our money and soldiers' lives on a war that seems futile at best. If the country is capable of doing something more productive than soliciting bribes and heron, we haven't figured out what that is, and the people, at least in significant numbers, seem unwilling or incapable of finding out what that might be. Besides, they don't have any oil to pay for the war. Wait, that was Iraq! Wonder when that's going to start paying off?
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