Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Today's Must Read:

Richard Cohen tries to come to terms with OWS in today's Washington Post. Claims by the right that the movement (is it is one) is anti-Semitic prove to be nothing more than a right wing red herring. Cohen travels to the site and can find no evidence, neither can the Anti-Defamation League.

My favorite Cohen analysis follow:

Occupy Wall Street has become an event for its own sake, a destination for the aimless. It is something that occurs on countless iPhone cameras, a tourist attraction with the usual vendors, the usual zaftig young women doing the usual arrhythmic dance, somehow missing the beat of many drums. The nostalgic scent of pot wafts occasionally through the air, and I feel so much younger. This, Iā€™m sure, will bring an end to the Vietnam War.

On a given day, I decide that Occupy Wall Street is about nothing and then I decide it is the Herman Cain campaign in aggregate, just a media event that has captured the flea-thoughts of many Americans. Then I decide it is an incoherent articulation of anger at the institutions that have failed us, including ā€” by way of both self-pity and self-flagellation ā€” the media. It seems, above all, a conspiracy to have left-leaning writers make jackasses of themselves by imparting grave and grand meaning to what is little more than a vast sleepover.
If this doesn't make you laugh, you need your battery checked.

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