Iraq: A lead story in this morning's New York Times tells us that "Leading Shiite Clerics [are] Pushing Islamic Constitution in Iraq." Is this news? Why not lead with "Leading Clerics in US Are Pushing Inshrinement of [their interpretation of] Biblical Law into US Constitution"? The NYTimes story focuses on two aspect of Koranic law: the sale and consumption of alcohol and restrictions on women. Reading the story seems to equate the two. One wonders if the author has spent too much time thinking about today's Super Bowl, with its beer advertisers and the TV cameras obsession with showing us close ups of nearly nude cheerleaders. Here in America we know how to put human rights into perspective.
Believe it or not: Bush is actually going to support reducing so called "farm subsidies" that have done so much to destroy family farms in America and keep overseas producers in abject poverty. The agribusiness corps that suck down millions of tax payer dollars and supported his re-election after he refused to support a reduction in the tax dollar give away to the very rich last year are going to be crying ouch!
Home Schooled: Florida has a new poster family for the home schooling movement: Hey, Jeb! Stop trying to sound self-righteous. This happened on your watch!
The Great Lie: While the administration intimidates PBS — that TV network that we trust to tell and show us what we don't want to hear and see — it has been busily buying "reporters" to advocate its policies. Guess they need to do that since even Republicans don't get why Bush is so wedded to his social security destruction policy.
Half Truths: America was founded by people seeking religious freedom — the freedom they sought was the right to force people to believe and act the way they wanted them to; they certainly didn't want anyone else to be free. What about the settlers in Virginia? They just came to get rich.
Believe it or not: Bush is actually going to support reducing so called "farm subsidies" that have done so much to destroy family farms in America and keep overseas producers in abject poverty. The agribusiness corps that suck down millions of tax payer dollars and supported his re-election after he refused to support a reduction in the tax dollar give away to the very rich last year are going to be crying ouch!
Home Schooled: Florida has a new poster family for the home schooling movement: Hey, Jeb! Stop trying to sound self-righteous. This happened on your watch!
The Great Lie: While the administration intimidates PBS — that TV network that we trust to tell and show us what we don't want to hear and see — it has been busily buying "reporters" to advocate its policies. Guess they need to do that since even Republicans don't get why Bush is so wedded to his social security destruction policy.
Half Truths: America was founded by people seeking religious freedom — the freedom they sought was the right to force people to believe and act the way they wanted them to; they certainly didn't want anyone else to be free. What about the settlers in Virginia? They just came to get rich.
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