Fighting Terrorism: The administration has stepped up its anti-terrorism activities by seeking to gain greater access to our financial records. That's good news for the NRA and the gun dealers that lobbying group works for, as it will help keep our attention away from the fact that the administration is doing absolutely nothing to prohibit terrorists from buying guns right here in the U.S.
The Price of Gasoline: Are you upset about the price of gas at the pump? Have you checked out what's happened to your heating bill? Compared it to last year? Was it really that much colder this year than last year? How about the price of food? And has your electric company adjusted your bill upward lately?
Don't you love it when they tell you that you should be grateful because gasoline costs five dollars a gallon and more in Europe and other places around the world? Of course "other places" have societies that are NOT built around everybody driving many miles to do just about anything. When was the last time you walked a half block down the street to buy your daily groceries? Unless you live in the middle of a large metro area, you probably don't even have sidewalks anymore. Over the past half century, sidewalks have become those concrete paths built in the burbs that take folks from their houses to their garages.
Did y0u know that the U.S. imports more oil from Africa than from the Mid-East?
The New Pope: People are wondering if the new Pope will move the Catholic Church into the post World War II era with enlightened views about women (birth control, at least being married to a priest if not being allowed to become a priest, divorce), but the most likely scenario seems to be a shadow of John Paul II with his views but without his charisma. All but three of the 117 electors were appointed by the last Pope. They undoubtedly share his intense conservatism but are less likely to voice his anti-capitalistic views. About the furthest any one of them is likely to go along these lines is to make a perfuctory visit to Fidel in Cuba and delivery an anti-condom message.
If a Latin American Cardinal is elected Pope, look for the church to press governments in that region of the world to tighten restrictions on the evengelicals, who are contesting with the church over members.
The Bush Tax Increase: Yeah, right! You thought your good ol' boy, W., was cutting your taxes, but the administration has known all along that the Alternative Minimum Tax, created during the Nixon administration (oh, how that name keeps popping up!) is beginning to take its toll. All you middle-income folks out there, get ready to pay your fair share of the rich folks' tax burden—the rich will be unaffected—those wonderful Bush tax cuts are as good as gone with the wind. And a smelly wind it was!
Sure, our good buddy W. has set up a bipartisan commission to change the tax code, including the Alternative Minimum Tax, but he's set up one condition—any changes must be revenue neutral. That is, the gov't must still collect the same amount of taxes. Do you think the gov't will tax the rich more? If you do, please let me know, 'cause I've got a bridge in Brooklyn that I'd love to sell you.
The Price of Gasoline: Are you upset about the price of gas at the pump? Have you checked out what's happened to your heating bill? Compared it to last year? Was it really that much colder this year than last year? How about the price of food? And has your electric company adjusted your bill upward lately?
Don't you love it when they tell you that you should be grateful because gasoline costs five dollars a gallon and more in Europe and other places around the world? Of course "other places" have societies that are NOT built around everybody driving many miles to do just about anything. When was the last time you walked a half block down the street to buy your daily groceries? Unless you live in the middle of a large metro area, you probably don't even have sidewalks anymore. Over the past half century, sidewalks have become those concrete paths built in the burbs that take folks from their houses to their garages.
Did y0u know that the U.S. imports more oil from Africa than from the Mid-East?
The New Pope: People are wondering if the new Pope will move the Catholic Church into the post World War II era with enlightened views about women (birth control, at least being married to a priest if not being allowed to become a priest, divorce), but the most likely scenario seems to be a shadow of John Paul II with his views but without his charisma. All but three of the 117 electors were appointed by the last Pope. They undoubtedly share his intense conservatism but are less likely to voice his anti-capitalistic views. About the furthest any one of them is likely to go along these lines is to make a perfuctory visit to Fidel in Cuba and delivery an anti-condom message.
If a Latin American Cardinal is elected Pope, look for the church to press governments in that region of the world to tighten restrictions on the evengelicals, who are contesting with the church over members.
The Bush Tax Increase: Yeah, right! You thought your good ol' boy, W., was cutting your taxes, but the administration has known all along that the Alternative Minimum Tax, created during the Nixon administration (oh, how that name keeps popping up!) is beginning to take its toll. All you middle-income folks out there, get ready to pay your fair share of the rich folks' tax burden—the rich will be unaffected—those wonderful Bush tax cuts are as good as gone with the wind. And a smelly wind it was!
Sure, our good buddy W. has set up a bipartisan commission to change the tax code, including the Alternative Minimum Tax, but he's set up one condition—any changes must be revenue neutral. That is, the gov't must still collect the same amount of taxes. Do you think the gov't will tax the rich more? If you do, please let me know, 'cause I've got a bridge in Brooklyn that I'd love to sell you.
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