Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

The News in the News

Judith Miller of the New York Times, the reporter who was jailed for 85 days for what she didn't do, was released from prison. Miller, who went to jail without the opportunity to plead her case before a jury of her peers, at the flimsy discretion of a Republican prosecutor, whose agenda no one knows, and who seems incapable of articulating—could it be simple party in-fighting?—was released after she agreed to testify to a grand jury.

It seems high ranking officials in the Bush administration—a top Cheney aid and a top Bush aid—were feeding the press secret info in an attempt to stifle criticism of Bush's lies about going to war in Iraq.

So is the prosecutor out to right wrongs here? You gotta be dreaming! It's simply an attempt to stifle the press. No Bush-ite is going to jail. No one is even thinking of impeaching this president for lying to the country, with the result of thousands of deaths. (You have to lie about sex to be impeached. Really, it's in the Constitution. Page something or other.)

In other news about the news: the Government Accountability Office has finally said that the administration has been found to be guilty of "covert propaganda" in its "buying of the news" campaign. The focus so far has been on the Bush administration's "No Child Left Behind" (sic) campaign to cripple education in the U. S.

The most important aspect of this news item is that it displays the problems within the Republican Party itself. The Government Accountability Office is a bi-partisan office of the congress, which of course is run by Republicans.

It seems that the recent hurricanes have blown off more than one façade. Now even the most easily fooled among us can see the grizzly face where before a rather stupid looking mask resided.


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