Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Where Words Fail:

I stumbled across a blog this morning with a Flash presentation of the jets flying into the Twin Towers on 9/11, which the blogger claimed had been emailed to her. "How can you look at this," she said, "and not know why we are in Iraq?"

By now everyone knows of the lies and cover-ups that have come out of the Bush/Cheney administration. This blogger, according to the site, has a relative fighting in Iraq, and she has devoted her site to creating a world so blatantly fictional that, in order to convince herself of its authenticity, she must resort to staring at photographs because words simply can no longer be bent to make the lie.

Unfortunately for some, when either they or their loved ones are sent into harms way, they cannot face the harsh questions about the justness of such acts. As someone once said, "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time …" Which category are you comfortable with?


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