Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

In the News:

The recent revelation that Harriet E. Miers, the administration's latest Supreme Court nominee, advocated a ban on abortions except when the mother's life was at risk, has been defended by the White House with the explanation that Miers was running for office in 1989 when she made her anti-abortion position known.

"It was a political situation," the White House said. In other words, we shouldn't take anything seriously that a politician says when he or she is running for office. That's good news indeed, coming from the Republican "moral majority" party. The nitwits who put this party in power can now go about the job of parcing that explanation from their pompous pulpits.

Watching this group talk out of both sides of its collective mouth has been a real charm:

President Bushy, when announcing her as his choice for the spot on the court, provided her sole qualification as her being "an evangelical Christian." Now his front man, Scott McKlellan, is stating that Miers "recognizes that personal views and ideology and religion have no role to play when it comes to making decisions on the bench."

Of course the same people are sneaking around behind the cameras to reassure the brown shirt leaders of the mega churches that, yes, she really will (maybe) help to destroy a woman's right to control her own life. Uh, poor women, that is. No one will ever take that right away from rich people's daughters.


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