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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Will 'Publicans Steal the Next Election?

With the mid-term election only weeks away, officials are beginning to worry that the stage has been set for the coming election to be stolen. The Washinton Post reports,

[I]n Maryland last Tuesday, a combination of human blunders and technological glitches caused long lines and delays in vote-counting. The problems, which followed ones earlier this year in Ohio, Illinois and several other states, have contributed to doubts among some experts about whether the new systems are reliable and whether election officials are adequately prepared to use them.
The Republicans are already gearing up to steal the election, whining about "conspiricy theorists" in their snide fashion, as if looking down one's nose is sufficient enough to defray criticism of their actions.

Decomcracy in the U. S. has always been far from perfect, but with the Republican party now suffering under some of the worst leadership imaginable, they are feeling the heat to resort to politics as it has come to be known in some of the worst of third world countries. Power is indeed seductive.


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