Coming to a desktop near you: a computer desktop that looks and functions like a real desktop. Check out what the people at Bumptop or working on in a YouTube presentation. I know somebody whose executive assistants will have a great time with this, and I'll bet our good buddy Alan does too.
Hydrogen cars? Just how far off in the future are they? Check out BMW World's site. We may be closer than the petroleum industry is letting on.
TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design): Looking for something to do with the best and the brightest? The next TED conference will only cost $6,000 per ticket to attend in person. You can get a taste of the conference at CBS News.
Coming to a desktop near you: a computer desktop that looks and functions like a real desktop. Check out what the people at Bumptop or working on in a YouTube presentation. I know somebody whose executive assistants will have a great time with this, and I'll bet our good buddy Alan does too.
Hydrogen cars? Just how far off in the future are they? Check out BMW World's site. We may be closer than the petroleum industry is letting on.
TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design): Looking for something to do with the best and the brightest? The next TED conference will only cost $6,000 per ticket to attend in person. You can get a taste of the conference at CBS News.
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