Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

All Hail the Free Market!

Except when times are bad, then even conservatives, like David Brooks of The New York Times, are begging for a federal bailout.

Brooks admits that Obama at least has a plan even if it isn't a very satisfactory one, while on the other hand McCain's camp is dumbfounded. You'll recall that McCain admitted he knew nothing about economics, a strategy that undoubtedly pleased economic conservatives no end.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch in Washington, Cheney sneaks off to Iraq where a woman blows herself up, killing 41 other people, and Bush trips over his tongue as usual. You can always tell when a guy is BS-ing you. You can't make sense out of what he's trying to say, or what he says is just too good to be true: "What I'm more concerned about than anything is, is whether or not people are putting more money in their pocket... I really don't worry about what people are saying about me." (Check out the expression on Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's face in the photo run on The Times Web site on the link above. After all this time, Paulson evidently still can't believe the nonsense that comes out of his boss's mouth.)

Back in April of 2005, the Great Man had this to say: "If we're going to spend federal money, we expect the states to show us whether or not we're achieving simple objectives—like literacy, literacy in math, the ability to read and write." — George W. Bush. (NOTE: Is there a test for the Oval Office?)

Prime Rate Cut to 2.25 Percent:

The Fed set a record today, cutting the prime rate by 3/4 of a percent, the deepest cut in history. Wall Street reacted like a basketball. In the meantime, inflation continues to grow. The price of diesel fuel is at $4.25 a gallon at the pump. Seventy percent of American goods reaches its destination by truck. In addition, the cost of storing and marketing groceries continues to climb as those activities use energy too.

Obama Addresses Race in Philadelphia:

Sen. Obama appeared in Philadelphia today to address questions raised as a result of the publication of comments made by his minister. Obama is being scrutinized at level that no other candidate has ever been, including those who ran on race hatred platforms. It is interesting that now that we have a viable black candidate he is being required to address racial statements made by others, while a whole history of white presidents, including the current one, were never made to do so. Nor are the other two leading candidates. What's next? Will Sen. Clinton be required to apologize for feminist statements made by others?

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