Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How Bad Is It?

Yesterday's Washington Post reported that separate scientific studies indicate that the world's developed nations must bring carbon emissions down to near zero within the next forty years if continued global warming is to be halted. Despite calls to reduce carbon emissions, and promises to do so, as the Post reports, "the world's output of carbon from human activities totals about 10 billion tons a year and has been steadily rising." In the U. S., according to the Post, no politician is arguing for more than an 80 percent reduction of greenhouse gases by 2050.

McCain's Bear Harangue:

John McCain loves to voice his hatred of federal pork, and he's made a lot of hay out of a bear study in Montana, claiming it was a $3 million study that amounted to nothing more than pork.

Ironically, as The Washington Post points out, the pork belonged to Republican Senator Conrad Burns (now out of office), who is McCain's campaign chairman in Montana. By the way, McCain has the amount of money wrong too. The study cost over $5 million, and it was a successful study that determined the number of grizzly bears in the region and indicated that the grizzlies can probably be removed from the endangered species list. This means that at least in the bears' case the federal conservation program has worked.

McCain is simply pandering, in this case to people who, he assumes, pays more attention to late night comedy TV than to facts or the environment.

Glass Houses:

Gov. Eliot Spitzer got caught with his hand in the cookie jar after tattling on those who had done the same. It's hard to imagine anyone missing this story, but in the event you did, here's a link to the Times' story.

Being a crusader is dangerous business. Being a holier than thou one is seriously dangerous. What is that Greek term? … hubris?

What you have to love, though, is the guy standing there, apologizing to the world for assignations with high priced prostitutes, while his wife stands close to him, smiling with loving fondness. What?!! Are you kidding me!

More words of wisdom from The Great Man: "I suspect that had my dad not been president, he'd be asking the same questions: How'd your meeting go with so-and-so? … How did you feel when you stood up in front of thepeople for the State of the Union Address—state of the budget address, whatever you call it." — George W. Bush, quoted in The Washington Post, March 9, 2001.

Oil reached $108 per barrel yesterday. The average price of regular gasoline hit $3.2272 a gallon. Diesel fuel now costs $4.00 a gallon.


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