Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Biggest Pork Barrel of All:

The Washington Post reports on the GAO's report of military cost over runs. Bush/McCain like to thump their chests publicly about cutting out pork, but they have nothing to say about the billions of pork in military spending. Remember what President Eisenhower had to say just before he left office about the military/industrial complex? This is what he was talking about.

Bush on language: "I've coined new words, like 'misunderstanding' and 'Hispanically." — George W. Bush, Radio & Television Correspondents' Dinner, March 29, 2001.

With the state of economy in mind, it is interesting to note that we don't hear much about privatizing Social Security any longer. Remember when Bush had this to say on the subject: "If they pre-decease or die early, there's an asset base to be able to pass on to a loved one, to help that loved one transition" — George W. Bush, discussing privatized Social Security, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, March 2005.

Three years ago, Bush was pushing hard for privatizing Social Security. In April of 2005, he had this to say in Falls Church, VA: "It means your own money would grow better than that which the government can make it grow. And that's important."

Don't forget, Bush was wound up tight with Enron. Remember them? Remember how Enron's employees were forced to keep their retirement tied up in Enron stock? That's privatization.



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