Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Who Does She Remind You Of?

It will come as no surprise that a New York Times story on Sarah Palin paints a less than positive picture of the governor and would be vice president, but the question needs to be asked, who does Gov. Palin remind you of?

Especially as John McCain is 72 and has had major health issues in the recent past, we need to know what the person who would step into his shoes might be like. From the description provided by the Times' writers, it seems like she most closely resembles the current occupant of the White House. Someone who hires friends regardless of qualifications, refuses to listen to criticism, and spends most of her time on vacation. And knows absolutely nothing about foreign affairs. Perhaps she's a quick study.

Making the World a More Violent Place:

For my money Ronald Reagan was one of the worst presidents this country has ever had, but old wooden head did get one thing right. He moved the world toward the reduction of nuclear weapons. Reagan was appalled by the idea that either one of two nations could kill off every living soul on the planet several times over.

Currently, the Republican party likes to claim Ronny as their godfather, the man in whose image they all claim to be made. If that's the case, you gotta ask yourself why is it that the Bush administration is pushing for ever increasing arms sales? (See The New York Times' story.) America will sell $32 billion in arms to foreign countries this year, up from just $12 billion in 2005.

The Dude explains it all: "I will have a foreign-handed foreign policy." — George W. Bush, Redwood, CA, September 2000. (And he surely has.)



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