Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Why So Shocked?

President Obama declares the Wall Street boys' paying themselves billions in bonuses while the world's economy burns, partly as a result of their behavior, shameful. Well, what did you expect?

Actually, their bonuses were down to the 2004 levels, having granted themselves even greater bonuses in the years leading up to the collapse. It wasn't that long ago that the big story was how CEOs had been stacking governing boards with buddies who were loyal only to them. What was that echo? "That's where the money is."

What's Next?

Gov. Blagojevich lost 59-0. He's no longer the governor of Illinois. Where will he show up next?

What you should be asking yourself is if the man was so easily impeachable, why didn't Bush get the boot? He caused far more harm than Blago could ever conceive of.

When Will the U. S. Have Universal Health Care?

Paul Krugman demands to know why President Obama isn't moving on his health care proposal. Krugman argues that the best time to get legislation passed is during a crisis. He probably has a good point, but Krugman fails to address the 800 pound gorilla: We don't have "health care" in America, we have a "health care industry."

While there are doctors and nurses and dentists who do practice the art of medicine to the benefit of their patients, the driving force behind health care in this country is the industry, the people who profit off your illness or your wellness. Insurance companies fall into the latter category.

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