Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

CIA Torture Memos:

You can read them at the ACLU site. You can also join the ACLU while you are there and sign a petition encouraging your representatives to file criminal charges against the high ranking officials who authorized this illegal behavior. Of course Big Brother is watching. Big Brother is always watching, he just sometimes becomes confused. Which is both the good and the bad news.

Changing Times:

Graduates at the prestigious Wharton School of Business (owned and operated by the Ivy League institution known as the University of Pennsylvania, located in Philadelphia) are finding that their $200,000 undergraduate educations are not leading to jobs with Wall Street banks.

Mom and dad coughed up the big bucks expecting their little ones to come home with the mega brass ring, but the Street is experiencing difficulties, and now "the best and brightest" are seeking a rewarding life down other avenues. (Caution, all puns are either intended or stumbled upon.)

Steven Greenhouse reports on the changing times in today's New York Times. My favorite quote is "'Over the past three years, you saw 10 to 12 kids from Wharton going to each of the top five banks,' said a Wharton senior." For me, the use of the term "kids" to describe a college graduate is a telling choice of words. By the age of twenty, I would have never referred to someone of that age as a "kid." I certainly didn't want to be thought of that way.


Gail Collins colors in the lines in portraying Texas governor Rick Perry as a colossal hypocrite in his recent encouragement of the dingbats in Texas calling for secession from the union. The zingers are two many to quote here. Read Collins' op-ed.

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