Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Obama's Election Enriches Gun Dealers:

According to a gun shop owner interviewed on NPR, there has been a steady run on gun stores for guns and ammo since President Obama's historic election. Gun dealers across the nation have been selling out of guns and ammo as gun lovers fear the new president will turn the country into a socialist nation (whatever that means).

So far, even with the recent rampage in multiple murders committed by gun owners around the country, there seems to be no mood within congress to pass any serious gun legislation that might effectively curtail the violence committed by gun owners.

Part of the NPR interview includes a reflection by a woman who intends to have as much ammo as she can buy for her AK47 Assault rifle, with which she intends to defend herself against unknown and otherwise imaginary attackers.

On a side note, the Vermont legislature legalized same-sex marriage. Texans, however, shouldn't fear. People marrying in Vermont will only have their marriages recognized in states that have legalized same-sex marriage. The legislative vote was to override a gubernatorial veto, indicating a large number of Vermont's elected officials were in favor of the new law.

UPDATE: To date, no one has poled gun lovers on their views of same sex marriage; however, significant data exists to show they favor marital rights with their significant guns.



Anonymous Alan Gregory said...

And I bet my brothers-in-law in Vt. are not happy. Heh, heh,heh. On the gun front, the NY Times today has an excellent pro-gun-control editorial:

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Alan Gregory said...

And lookey here! Gay marriage is good for businesses in Vermont. What's good for bidness is good for the chamber of commerce, right?

10:35 AM  

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