Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

What's Up with Pakistan?

A hint about how a bunch of insurgents whose only allegiance hinges on mutual hatred and a desire for power could come so close to the national capitol of Pakistan without that country's military doing more than making a show appears in today's New York Times. Helen Cooper and Mark Mazzetti report on the Obama administration's "reaching out to the former prime minister, … whose ties to Islamists could help" the current president of Pakistan. In other words, major forces within Pakistan and its military see a political advantage to allowing the insurgents to run amok in the nation, threatening to gain access to nuclear weapons.

In the U. S., the "loyal opposition" just has Dick "the Emporor" Cheney running around crying "the sky is falling," while in places like Pakistan, the opposition allows an insurgency to murder people. Guess there is something to be greatful for in all of this.

Who Will Obama Pick?

The big question now is who will President Obama pick for the Supreme Court vacancy now that Justice Souter has decided to retire. He wants a woman, and a woman "of color" would please quite a few people, but appointing his wife might be more than congress could stand for. Sec. of State Clinton would be ideal, but then he'd have to fill her current position. (See today's New York Times.)

I told my daughter yesterday that she'd make a great candidate. She's had six months experience at the International Criminal court and I'd be glad to help her out with any decisions, but she said she'd already been accepted at grad school and didn't think she could fit Supreme Court duties in with her busy schedule. I reminded her that the court isn't like the old days. They don't hear all that many cases anymore, and she could probably fit her time in Washington into her weekends. In addition, the justices all have a bevy of clerks who prepare their questions for them and write their conclusions, and if a 79-year-old could do the job, then why not a 23-year-old?

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