"Who are these people?"
Richard Cohen opines in today's Washington Post, as he voices his astonishment that 27 percent of the electorate believe that Sarah "I-never-finish-anything-I-start" Palin is qualified to be president of the United States.
Well, the fact of the matter is that Palin is qualified. She's at least 35 years old, a naturally born U.S. citizen, and alive.
That's it, folks. That's all you need to be. Plus receive the majority of the electoral college's votes, of course.
Cohen seems to think a candidate needs to be smart as well as alive, but let's face it; the last time the Republican party put up a smart man for president he turned into Richard Nixon. Republicans don't want a smart man in the White House, they want someone who just follows orders. The orders of the ultra rich oligarchy who claim ownership of this country.
For more about these folks, check out Bob Herbert's op-ed: The rich, the really and truly rich, have had record high earnings during the Great Recession. These aren't the worst of times for them. They just keep raking in record amounts of profit. Oh, that top 5 percent! To be one of them! Not to worry about patriotism or loyalty or to otherwise give a damn about their fellow man!
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