Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Should've Passed the Equal Rights Amendment when We Had the Chance:

An equal rights amendment to the constitution has been in the works since 1923, and in the seventies it came close to passage, falling short only by a couple of states. But conservatives who rely on fear, stupidity, and ignorance have managed to use the power of a minority of voters to keep women second class citizens in this country.

For the past couple of decades, advocates have been relying on the court system and the Fourteenth Amendment to seek justice for women. Unfortunately, with judges like Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court, women and minorities could find their rights in jeopardy at any moment. Scalia is currently in the minority seeking to turn the U.S. into a Nazi state, but who knows what the Court will consist of in the future.

You will remember that Scalia is former Vice President Dick Cheney's shooting buddy. No, not the one that Cheney shot in the face. Scalia is too quick for that. Okay, so Scalia has never advocated Nazism or admitted publicly to his worship of Hitler, but his vision of America certainly more closely resembles a Fascist state than not. A government by the rich, for the rich, and supported by the other 90 percent of us who pay for the phenomenal healthcare he and the top ten percent receive. You and I pay this guy's salary so he can go to the opera; you and I pay a full-time wage to him so he can travel around the country receiving huge speaking fees to tell us we have no rights and he's the hanging judge who intends to keep things that way.

You gotta love it.



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