Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Bush to Borrow Trillions of Dollars from Chinese Banks and Give Money to Oil Companies:

Pres. Bush's answer to the massive profiteering by the major oil companies is to borrow $100 per tax payer from Chinese banks so that the tax payers can then give that money to the oil companies, as outlined in a session with reporters recently. He is opposed to any new taxes, including windfall-profits taxes, that might impinge on his primary constituents' profitability.

Earning obsenely high profits while others die in foreign wars encourages the oil companies to research and develop alternative forms of energy, according to the president, applying his considerable expertise on the oil industry derived through his family connections. The logic of that should be plain to everyone, especially those who have a keen awareness that the National Anthem was "divinely inspired by God" as was "that grand old flag."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a little bit lost on the math here. My rough estimate of this tax refund, or whatever they are calling it, is that it would result in billions of dollars, plus accounting and distribution costs. Are the "Trillions" in your heading just humor, or is that a figure you actually found somewhere or came up with on your own? I'm curious here, so please explain.

Regardless of whether it is Billions or Trillions, it's still absurd.

And, come to think of it, why aren't the oil companies the ones paying for these foreign wars? They are the only people benefitting, and they are the only reason we are in the Middle East. Unless someone can explain to me what, other than oil, makes the Middle East (or particularly Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait) so much more important than troubled African, South American, or Asian nations. Ultimately, it would see that the Middle East would be better off if their wasn't a drop of oil there, although the Saudi Royal Family wouldn't have their pockets lined they way they do.

11:33 AM  

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