Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

We Brought These Guys All the Way Back from Iraq To Say What?

General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker came back to Washington, D. C. to tell congress nothing's changed. (See The New York Times' story.)

NEWS FLASH! Did anybody really think we could bomb a whole culture into changing its ways when nothing had worked for thousands of years?

Truckers Are Slowing Down:

Well, some are. Others are parading around, demanding that state governments lower their already low fuel taxes. Four-dollar-a-gallon diesel fuel hurts. A few of these guys are starting to realize that driving the speed limit increases their fuel efficiency. The question that puzzles me has always been why on earth we are shipping so much in trucks any way? The rails are far cheaper, more environmentally sound, and use considerably less energy per pound of goods moved.

Note: Behind me on the TV, Condi Rice is reporting to the congress on the proposed free trade agreement with Columbia. Rumor has it that she hasn't been very busy with her Secretary of State duties of late. Instead she's been bustling about, trying to convince the powers that be within the Republican Party that she should be John McCain's running mate. Now there's a happy thought. To date, in addition to her sex and race, Secy. Rice is best known for not having any answers for congress, promising to deliver the answers to questions, and failing to deliver those promised answers. In other words, she is best known as the stone wall in the administration's relationship with congress.

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