The Great American Sea Change:First there was the axis of evil. Carry a big stick and make lots of threats. Then North Korea exploded some bombs and fired some rockets. Things changed.
Now people are starting to talk in the Middle East. Israel is holding indirect talks with Syria. It's made deals with Hamas and Hezbollah.
And low and behold, the Bush administration has envoys participating in a discussion with—Iran. Naturally there are "no negotiations" being conducted, or at least that's what the Bushies claim, but still. (
See The New York Times story.)
The Dude's take on diplomacy: "See, the irony is that what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit, and it's over." — George W. Bush in a private comment to British Prime Minister Tony Blair in St. Petersburg, Russia, July 17, 2006.
EPA Finally Forced To Admit Truth on Global Warming:Yesterday the Environmental Protection Agency admitted that global warming poses very real threats to humans, not just polar bears. Deadly heat waves, hurricanes and pathogens are the direct result of global warming, as is a shortage of fresh water.
However, as
The Washington Post points out "Last week, the agency decided not to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, at least not until after President Bush's term ends."
Your Military Heroes:No one likes to criticize the the folks in uniform. It seems, somehow, unlucky. Well, I did my duty, served my time, and according to the writing on the jacket that was sold at the PX, I'm guaranteed an afterlife in heaven. (GIs will know what I mean.)
Every grunt knows that, as far as the top brass is concerned, the military exists so that the brass can have a career. And it should be plush and highly rewarding. Check out
The Washington Post story on one way the generals are pursuing their goals as they fly about in perfect comfort while troops on the ground have to worry about being electrocuted while taking a shower.
Afternoon Update:Stocks finished mixed, which they often do on Friday, ending the first week in two months when the market performed on anything like a positive note, fueled by continuing drop in oil prices.
Oil ended the day selling at $128.88 a barrel, but you probably hardly noticed at the pump. Retail sellers of gasoline will hope that you haven't yet noticed that their costs are down and won't pass the savings along until competition starts to push the price down. (
See The New York Times story.)
An indication of things to come: Sales of private business jets have slumped in the U.S. traditionally the largest market for this niche item; however sales have increased in Russia, South Asia and the Mideast. (
See The New York Times story.)
Labels: Corruption, Politics, The Environment