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Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Thursday, March 02, 2017

The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth GapThe Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap by Matt Taibbi

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Bankers steal billions of dollars, and the tax payer pays their fines for them. In the meantime, millions of poor people, mostly non-whites and sometimes completely innocent of the crimes they've been charged with, go to jail. America has more people in jail than any country in the world.

Matt Taibbi isn't much for statistics, but he can tell a good story. If you're not outraged and ashamed of your country before you read this book, something is definitely wrong with you if you are not by the time you finish it.

Taibbi doesn't spare either political party with his anger and accusations.

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