Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

After W Crashes Your Party, What Do You Do?

Invite his brother Jeb to a local pizza restaurant and tell people you're non-partisan. And, uh, tell Rush to stay home.

So the frat party got outa hand and the jokers burnt the house down. Now some Republicans want to rebuild. They just don't know which way to turn. Not left, that's for sure, but the right is a cul-de-sac. Where does a Mitt (made his money from destroying the livelihoods of working families) or a Jeb (inherited his fortune) go? I mean besides a pizza restaurant. (See "GOP Leaders Try to Polish Party's Image.") Here's a clue—they haven't figured that out yet. Hey, guys, thought about a third party? I know, that'd mean the Dems would remain in power a little longer, but let's face it, doesn't look like they're going anywhere any time soon.



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