Jim Manis on Most Anything

Jim Manis can formulate an opinion about a good many things, including those about which he has little knowledge. (And some dude named "Lazlo.") Visit The MagicFactory.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Quote Worthy of Note:

[I]f Republicans were truly interested in reducing the deficit while stimulating private-sector job creation, they would have jumped to embrace the idea floated last week by Sen. Mark Warner, the centrist Democrat from Virginia: let high-end tax rates return to where they were during the Clinton years and use the $65 billion in additional income over the next two years for tax breaks for businesses that increase investments or hire new employees. After that, the extra revenue would go toward deficit reduction.

And how many of Warner's Republican colleagues have called to express interest in his idea? So far, not a one.

- Steven Pearlstein, "GOP to jobless: Drop Dead," The Washington Post

The truth is that the "small businesses" the GOP says it represents when it wants to continue Bush's bankrupt-America tax cuts are mostly hedge funds and law firms. These groups are already awash with cash, by the way. They're part of that top percentage group that has been getting filthy rich for the past 30 years while the rest of us have been running on their treadmill.

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